(mobile version fix soon)


the short story

Originally an Ul'dahn street urchin from Light, Emma quickly turned her life around from a vagrant to a successful bartender at various clubs.


- sweets & snacks
- black nail lacquer
- Black Devil cigarettes
- directness

roleplay style

- Uses /em and /say to convey actions. Generally goes for mid-length, digestible paragraphs.
- Uses both lore-friendly and real-world references.


- extremely chipper people
- beating around the bush
- being treated as a charity case
- possessiveness
- relationships

additional details

Voice similar to: Patricia Summersett


- /say chat with primarily custom /em.
- longer, less-restrictive passages will use [square brackets], but generally this is left to party chat or private settings.
- both SFW/NSFW references (18+/mature themes, infrequent marijuana use).
- speak with a slight accent.

does not

- do /tell RP (due to difficulty of keeping tracks of /tells in busy venues)
- generally initiate. please see the Hooks section for help in approaching
- do any RP in any other language, aside from English

OOC responses will always be contained (in parentheses)


good to know

If the Roleplaying tag is on, then WU/ts and IC approaches are okay. Generally, you can consider that an open invitation. Emma will rarely ever approach someone first, unless they're a staff member of a venue.

a little flirt

Emma is characteristically a terrible flirt. Sometimes, she just isn't picking up what you're putting down.Even though she's bi, she has a tendency to lean straight in 80% of situations.

ways to approach

- Introducing yourself normally. Was that really so hard?
- Asking to dance, join, or sit nearby.
- Bumming a smoke or asking for a a lighter.
- Incorporating some reference to any of the Likes/Dislikes; YMMV.

very special thanks

in no particular order

Alyse Lamperouge, Bottoms Up @Lich
Freya Eisner & the lovely people of Cathouse @Twintania
Puchi Mi & Guy Guy, Encore Nightclub @Phoenix love you guys dearly
Kyo Ise kys_ggs
Karou Valo & Hultay Shelma, Church of Metal
The Oceanis team
Thias Solari